Bloodline 318
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Callum doesn’t see the irony of preaching about not killing people on sight, and unfortunately, nobody is around with the personality to point it out to him. Oh well!
I can feel the anger in Lupa’s eyes
Also First
The story and art style is brilliant. Better every page
Ember’s reaction earlier about being told she’s being stalked by demons made this a little surprising to me, so I went back a little bit… then a bit more… then before I knew it, I just reread the whole thing. XD
Oh, and in case it’s not clear, I *do* enjoy this comic.
Well, Lupa may be a “feral” but she seems to be cognitive enough to know the difference between a friend and a foe. Perhaps, someone will realize this.
So does that mean Ember has been aware of Risaac this entire time? I don’t think Lupa will do any major harm to the guards as Ember will not like that at all/ Lupa probaly wants Ember to leave with her pack anyways and dealing with them with nonlethal attacks would help their case. That and calling off the takeover they were supposedly in charge of doing. I wonder does Lupa’s pack attack towns often? If not then who usually organizes the attacks on Tennin towns?
The other guards however really sees things black and white. Can’t really blame them as living right at the border they probably had nothing but bad encounters with demons. Perhaps even lost some comrades over the years. The Quelladar are the only group to break away from demons I wonder how they feel about them? It does makes me wonder what traumatic experiece did she have with a demon? Perhaps she had a similar experience as Gale? Seeing your home burned to the ground, family and friends killed will leave a large impact. As it seems towns right at the border are susceptible to being attacked.