Bloodline 438
The battle rages on, and it’s getting bloody!
The battle rages on, and it’s getting bloody!
I actually forgot I can make announcements here. I’ve been using comic page descriptions XD
No Bloodline comic update this week, lots to prepare for Anthrocon! I’ll have a table in the dealer’s den, you can find me at I23. Here’s the sketch for the next marking drawing I’m working on instead to tide you over (it will be traditionally colored and auctioned on Monday [here]).
We’ve been missing a lot of updates this year with the Kickstarter and everything, so I’m thinking of doing some extra updates in a month or so. Cheers!
I’m doing a “12 days of Christmas” Patreon series to thank my current supporters and promote my page ^^
I’ll be posting new Christmas sketches on Patreon every day, ending on Christmas! (and posting previews here).
I’ve started keeping a buffer handy for Bloodline in case I need a week off for a wedding, moving, etc. The new tier lets you see the buffer page(s) early!
Now I’m sure people have come to expect Bloodline updates every 7-8 days, since that’s what my update schedule has looked like for months, but back in the early days of Bloodline I would update every Wednesday, without fail. The pages have gotten better and harder to draw, but I was proud of my consistency, and I miss it.
Some changes to how I work on pages should fix the problem, and a buffer gives me some room to experiment! I’m hoping that by having the buffer as a reward tier, it’ll help keep me motivated to stay AHEAD rather than simply on pace.
I love progressing Bloodline’s story and I’ve been looking forward to this scene, but unfortunately, my school workload has greatly increased and I need to take it easy on drawing. My calculus teacher has had urgent family issues that have kept her from the classroom, and just now got around to posting this semester’s homework and tests. I want to make sure I have the time and energy I need to make this arc the best I can make it, and I can’t do that if all I can think about is the mountain of school work I should be working on (talk about bad timing). I have made a lot of progress on the next page, and it will be posted this month. After that, classes will be over the following month, and we can easily return to our weekly schedule.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Everything is setup and paid for, the con is on! As I mentioned before, it’ll be at the Star City Anime convention in Roanoke, VA, February 5-7, 2016.
Holiday Inn Roanoke
3315 Ordway Drive
Roanoke, VA
I’ll have plenty of exclusive prints for sale and on display, so swing by if you get the chance ^^