Bloodline 92
Bleh, sickness delayed this page longer than I would have liked.
Ember just doesn’t give up, does she? I sure hope using that trick doesn’t push her closer to her demon side…
Bleh, sickness delayed this page longer than I would have liked.
Ember just doesn’t give up, does she? I sure hope using that trick doesn’t push her closer to her demon side…
Hope your feeling better.
Hmm what is it she can feel is it another weapon maybe this one is enchanted or is it a neckless similar to Lupa’s one that will allow her to tap into her magical abilities?
magic pintagram this will ether suck for him or be real bad for her
Random useless trivia: That pentagram and dagger are the same ones from page 12.
wait isn’t that the one he uses to make sacrifices to his demon overlord!?
Yep, one of many.
well if she uses that I see bad things happening to who I’m not sure but I bet It will be epic ^.^
Good job I like it so far I’m bookmarking this site for easier access.
Glad you like it ^^
I got an book mark on it too, but my reason is that i enjoy how the quality increase.
Ember looks so much better when her hair is down