Bloodline 234
Edit: Next page will be up on the 25th. Sorry for the delays!
Wow, look at those special effects!
(But not too closely, you might see the strings)
Today I just want to thank you all for reading my comic! I’ve been in love with this comic for a long time, and it brings me great joy to see other people enjoy it as well. Extra brownie points to those of you who comment, those who got one of my books, and of course everyone who enables me through Patreon! Your presence motivates me to keep making comics, and to keep getting better at it ^^
Shortly she’s going to end up with a bunch of pretty sparkles surrounding her and the possibility that a unicorn is going to come looking for her, …
Unfortunately Ember is one of the worst people in the whole setting to come up with the correct answer…
“Kill it with fire!”
Actually, “purge the evil magics with pure holy flame” would be more accurate.
Also, she finally cast magic, and now her tail is wagging. While not a surprising development, it is still noteworthy.
This must be exciting for Ember. She is finally is able to cast a spell after all these years of reading about magic, and at least she seems like someone who won’t mind trying to figure out how to deconstruct this curse. This might also help her also find a way to find a “cure” for her demon problem. Now this means Ember might not need to find a mage to cast a spell for her. Hopefully Denrim doesn’t come in and interrupt Ember otherwise she might have time to experiment around with different cantrips.
I am however wondering if Elane notified the librarian about Ember, and at the very least he would be keeping an eye on her for Elane. If he is at least I don’t think Ember casting cantrips would raise any red flags… yet. Also Ember mentioning that the curse’s connection to her is still there, could this be some foreshadowing on Ember using a slightly modified version of her currently in progress curse remover to “sever” her connection to The Voice? Maybe i’m just reading in to this too deeply.
Don’t know if I’ve commented here before, I’m usually a lurker, but I figured now would be a good time to pipe up and say: Woohoo, good going so far, Wolfmare! Keep it up, looking good; I’m a fan.
Now would probably be a very bad time for anyone hostile to walk in on her– she managed to manipulate and concentrate the curse into one place and conjure it, now she just needs to put it somewhere to remove it from her system. It would be a shame if that depository happened to be the jerk who put it on her…
I was just thinking that. Now that the curse is outside of her, it can go places. =)
Thanks! Yes, Ember is on top of the world now.
I like the special effects.
Ember is still getting ahead of herself casting spells before she finishes reading the instructions. I do that all the time, since instructions are usually boring, but not with something as dangerous as a magic curse.
Note to anyone who has to write instructions: put all the important warning stuff at the top and keep it brief because most of your users will be too excited or too bored to read to the end.
Just wanted to say this is one of my favorite comics, your doing a great job with the story line. Keep up the amazing work.
Wow, found this on Thomas FishBach tweets and I thought I’d check it out, going great!!!
Now on to the actual story comment, I hope that she realizes that this is her blood her powers, not anyone else’s she can do whatever she wants with it, and I also hope she realizes that when she’s iN a lot of trouble and goes into a berserker mode (which I have been hoping for so far)
Glad you found it!
Berserker mode Ember? I guess time will tell.
No joke, I am actually honored for you to have replied on my comment owo
I love replying to comments ^^
Just out of curiosity do you post on a schedule or is it just whenever you get done with one? I noticed that on some of your descriptions that you said you were running late.
Yes things have been a bit of a mess lately. Every once in a while I have something that comes up and divides my attention from regular updates and I fall behind (Since I’m too stubborn to skip updates usually). Comic updates are supposed to go up on Wednesday.
Ember’s reader-mark seems to have disappeared. Goof, or intended?
Huh… I didn’t realize that. She had it in the last comic so I’m assuming it was forgotten by accident.
Yeah there are a few fixes I need to make.
The other reason it could be is if casting that spell previously somehow removed it? Though I’m not too sure how that would work, but hey it’s possible because …magic? Besides if it is intentional it would create some an interesting scenario.
Such as Ember probably doesn’t know it is gone; she then can get some funny looks maybe from other readers crossing by with her not realizing what is going on. Then maybe running into someone she has met before such as the group of Quelladar asking where her reader mark went. Then cue Ember panicking as she puts together the strange looks/whispering from readers and maybe some civilians around her with her missing reader’s mark.
Ok thanks, I understand and I reat about 20 different Web comics that I all love and even one of them going on hiatus is a slight annoyance but I understand the situation, also I couldn’t reply any more on that so I had to start a new one