Well played there cormac. Sword raised high to protect your head and heart.
Small question though. How does Veera feel about hitting below the belt? I mean, Cormac would be much less of a threat if she damaged his legs…
Cormac’s armor has a lightweight enchantment to help him fight people like Veera. The right kind of attack could probably make it through, but Veera wants a quick, direct and powerful hit.
That dark magic stuff looks like it can only make your bad day that much worse.
Bern, my pyromaniac brother, I feel your pain.
Well played there cormac. Sword raised high to protect your head and heart.
Small question though. How does Veera feel about hitting below the belt? I mean, Cormac would be much less of a threat if she damaged his legs…
Cormac’s armor has a lightweight enchantment to help him fight people like Veera. The right kind of attack could probably make it through, but Veera wants a quick, direct and powerful hit.
At this moment taking off that faceplate seems like less of a good idea, but contrary to popular usage, that really is just a fleshwound…