Bloodline 139
on March 28, 2016
at 8:48 am
This will be really embarrassing if Bernin can’t find the demon without a reader…
I don’t like going this long without a new incentive… The Witcher 3 pic still needs work, and I decided to make ANOTHER unusual pic on top of the commissions I’ve been doing. Please continue to vote on Topwebcomics, I’ll try to get something new up soon!
I’ll admit, the incentives don’t affect my voting much. Not the kind of thing I plan for. I vote, instead, because of the page. In this case, I like seeing Cormac and Sil shouldering different types of responsibility :J
A critique, though: I got the order of those last two speech bubbles wrong on first read, and had to go back and reread. It would help if Sil’s bubble were on the left, and Cormac’s bubble were further down, for a clearer fit to English writing order.
Thanks for the feedback Darekun, I appreciate it ^^
Odd that this is the second time I’ve run across the name Cormac.
bruh no trying to hate or rush you (i fukin love these comics why would i hate) but if ur ganna cliff hanger us THIS much at least make them faster then on every like week, come on… plz… for us :3
i know these take a while to make, and you do an amazing job on the art, and i dont know if you are going as fast as you can but if you are its ok, im not trying to lower ur self esteem by saying this but you have been around for 2 to 3 years and not even 140 pages, when you think about that and do the math thats a long time for 1 comic to come out, and also the cliff hanger is real tho
I would if I had the time! I’ve been thinking about getting ahead on pages for a while now, but realistically I don’t think it’ll happen until this semester is over.
okay, i dont mean to hate or anything i just rly like this comic series AND its cliffhangered so :/
Personally, I like the cliffhangers. It make’s me think ‘whats next’ and then I come up with all these ideas, like what if it’s Flint out looking for his kids? or what if Ember has crossed their path(not likely, I admit) and they are sensing the curse in her blood? What if Kel’Thuzad has come from Azeroth? I love having an overactive imagination and the cliffhangers feed it.
cliff hangers kill me on the inside ;-;
Aurik has got the right idea; embrace the cliffhangers Arcticwolf!